Develop and iterate with instant feedback

Build complex flows without complexity
Build complex Flows from atomic scripts, either from your workspace or the Hub.Approval
Suspend the execution of a flow and request confirmation from given users before resuming.
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Data pipelines
Orchestrate pipelines & ETLs with observability and control at any step.
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Advanced Features
Build powerful flows with advanced features like triggers, error handling, retries, loops and branches.
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Workflows as Code
Build, version, and manage your workflows as code with the Windmill SDK. Use your favorite IDE, version control system, and CI/CD pipeline to manage your workflows.
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1from wmill import task
3import pandas as pd
4import numpy as np
7# You can specify tag to run the task on a specific type of worker, e.g. @task(tag="custom_tag")
8def heavy_compute(n: int):
9 df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(100, 4), columns=list('ABCD'))
10 return df.sum().sum()
14def send_result(res: int, email: str):
15 # logs of the subtask are available in the main task logs
16 print(f"Sending result {res} to {email}")
17 return "OK"
19def main(n: int):
20 l = []
22 # to run things in parallel, simply use multiprocessing Pool map instead:
23 for i in range(n):
24 l.append(heavy_compute(i))
25 print(l)
26 return send_result(sum(l), "")
The fastest and extremely scalable workflow engine.
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Hub Flows
Explore examples of flow on the HubWhenever an Hacker News message contains a mention, publish it to Slack with sentiment analysed
When new expenses are uploaded to Google Drive, extract text using Tesseract and notify on Slack.
Retrieve articles from Google Drive , use a for loop to translate each one with OpenAI and store the embeddings in a Airtable database.
Build endpoints, workflows & ETLs, UIs with code only where it matters
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